The small tree grows
the children are playing
sweet life with light.
Watering the tree
with little green leaves we dance
and the rainbow shines.
It is raining now
raindrops falling of the leaves
on to the green grass.
I like new school
my teacher´s name is Joana
I like new school.
The small tree plays
the children are growing
just changing verbs.
The garden is green
listening birds symponies
children have picnic.
Two girls having fun
like a tocata and fugue
never ending laughs.
I like the trees
the forest and the birds.
I feel happy.
the children are playing
sweet life with light.
Watering the tree
with little green leaves we dance
and the rainbow shines.
It is raining now
raindrops falling of the leaves
on to the green grass.
I like new school
my teacher´s name is Joana
I like new school.
The small tree plays
the children are growing
just changing verbs.
The garden is green
listening birds symponies
children have picnic.
Two girls having fun
like a tocata and fugue
never ending laughs.
I like the trees
the forest and the birds.
I feel happy.
14 comentarios:
This is a present for you
watering the tree
with litlle green leaves we dance
and the rainbow shines.
I like new school,
my teacher´s name is Joana
I like new school.
esta bé neus ??????? no ho se pero per ser el primer crec que esta bé pero no ho se perque el primer parraf i l´ultim siguin els mateixos.
Molt bé Esther, no passa res si repeteixes un vers. En poesia, la repetició aconsegueix major ritme i musicalitat.
Perdona, Neus si conteste per tu!!! Però em sembla que Esther estava impacient.
B7s a les dues.
He gosat fer una variació no ja del mateix tema, sinó que he jugat a alterar verbs del teu bonic haiku (una mica com una remescla feta per un dj... espero que no et molesti, que está feta amb tot l'afecte del món).
The small tree plays
the children are growing
just changing verbs.
I hope you like it. I don't know if the small trees play too much, anyway... But you can play with them all and ever you want. If the birds can do it, why not? :)
Good wednesday!
A florenbird
cames to the rainforest!
Where are his wings?
A little cyberflorenbird who hasn't got wings!!!
It's only a joke. I hope you like it.
Kisses and cheeses
Oh I'm sorry, Neus change cames into COMES!!!
I'm a terryble dr Dissaster changing verbs!!!
Quina sorpresa!! fins ara no he pogut entrar al bloc, estic supercontenta de trobar les vostres participacions, m´encanten!! Thank you very much my friends!!
Sr. Florenci, al contrari, encantada de que participe als meus experiments!! Gràcies!! :D
Florencibird or Florencifly bZzzZZzzz Lady Joana? And I have no wings but helicopter driven rotors abouve my silly guy cap he, he, he...
De res, Neus. Passa, però, que els que han fet l'Hanna, l'Esther i la Joana són més originals. El meu és només una petita broma, feta amb afecte, això sí, eh.
Hola Neus, aquí tienes mi haiku:
The garden is green
listening birds symphonies
children have picnic.
Espero que te guste.
Este lo ha hecho mi madre pensando en mi hermana y yo:
Two girls having fun
like a tocata and fugue
never ending laughs.
Enhorabona Núria, has fet una meravella de haiku. Algun dia es tocaras boniques simfonies com les dels ocellets al teclat de classe.
Myriam, un bonito haiku dedicado a las dos joyas que tienes en casa. Muy bueno, de verdad. Estoy intentando colgar la canción que hicimos con la música de tu marido, pero de momento tengo algunos problemas técnicos que no me dejan hacerlo. Ya lo hablaremos. Un fuerte abrazo.
Florenbird I like your helicopter, he,he.
Estic molt contenta de com ha quedat aquesta entrada. No esperava tanta participació i la veritat ha sigut una gran sorpresa, una gran abraçada per a tots. Gràcies!! :D
I like the trees,
the forest and the birds.
I feel happy.
Neus, m'has conegut, també he participat al cyberland!
Clar que si!! b7s!!
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